Lexmark Range Brochure 2019

products & services Black-Only run modes on Lexmark color laser printers and MFP’s SECTION 21 For color laser print devices, printing a color page requires engagement of all color imaging com- ponents (Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow) as well as black imaging components. Typically however, not all pages printed contain color content. Pages containing only black, termed “Black-Only” pages regularly occur. Color imaging components re- main engaged unless the device specifically dis- engages those components when printing these black only pages. If color components remain engaged during the production of “Black-Only” pages, color component life is consumed. Lex- mark devices offer “Black-Only” modes intended to eliminate nonproductive color imaging compo- nent consumption. The following document will describe how Lexmark ‘Black-Only” mode oper- ates, and to enable users to maximize color imag- ing component yield and value. Lexmark’s Solution – Black-Only Mode The normal run mode in many color laser devices, in- cluding Lexmark’s, engages all imaging components, so that the device is ready to print full color pages im- mediately. These devices are capable of recognizing pages in the print queue without color content and disengaging some or all color imaging components for Black-Only pages. The Black-Only run mode limits non-productive color imaging component usage, resulting in lower oper- ating costs and consistent print quality throughout life. There is a trade-off, however, in that entering and exiting Black-Only run mode impacts device through- put, as it slows to engage and disengage the color imaging components. Usage settings are available to allow users to control utilization of the Black-Only run mode. Usage Setting Selection Lexmark color laser devices have two usage settings: ›› Max Yield (default) ›› Max Speed When in the “Max Yield” setting, the device seeks to maximize color imaging component life by automati- cally entering the “Black-Only” run mode. This typical- ly occurs when two or three consecutive “Black-Only” pages (depending on model) are encountered in the current print job or in the print queue. When in the “Max Speed” setting, the device will not enter “Black-Only” mode. All pages are produced at maximum speed, regardless of color content. Even when printing “Black-Only” pages, all color-imaging components remain fully engaged. 105